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Janet Talley4/3/20 9:00 AM1 min read

Key Components to Digital Business Transformation

Key Components to Digital Business Transformation

Digital Transformation has been one of the most popular tech "buzz words" over the last few years. When discussing the topic of digital business transformation, there is no magic formula to transform your business - although many tech companies may claim to have that formula, but there are some key components. If becoming a connected business is the end goal, technology will likely play a role, but it alone will not achieve the desired results. The human component in an organizations digital transformation may be even more critical.

Leadership on board

Leadership is at the core. In any project such as this one, executive sponsorship is essential. Not just because it’s typically an executive that signs off on the financial investment in business software and technology, but also because the leadership team needs to provide the drive and excitement for the project from beginning to end. This type of support will encourage employees to jump on board. There are times when technology products stall,  or stale, and it's at this time that Executive Leadership must propel the project forward.

Employee buy-in

Employees are the people who will be using the new digital business model and benefit from the cloud, and it is their jobs that will be impacted most. They can provide the most feedback on what didn’t work in the old model, and what should be included in the new. If employees, who are the subject matter experts, can provide input during the digitizing process, they will be committed to seeing the project succeed. It's important to have benchmarks during the project and after it is complete to gain employee and user feedback.

Phone a friend

It’s also important to seek feedback from industry peers. These people can provide best practices and can share successes and stumbles on their way to digital business transformation. There are many industry groups, user forums and subject matter experts who can provide this feedback to help you begin your businesses digital transformation and Digital transformation strategy.

Contact us today to see how cloud ERP software can contribute to your digital business transformation.