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Darren Talley6/11/19 7:24 AM

Cloud as the Future - The Benefits of a Cloud ERP System

Cloud as the Future - The Benefits of a Cloud ERP System

When business leaders look to the horizon, they see one surety in terms of what can sustain and grow the business, and that's the rise of cloud computing. In today's competitive business ecosystem, the benefits of a cloud ERP system can be the lifeblood of the organization.

With one solution that connects information and data from the supply chain, inventory order management, and accounting, as well as human resources and customer relationship management (CRM), modern ERP systems enables the entirety of the company with a real-time view of critical insights.

It's expected that $3.5 million will be spent on cloud apps, platforms, and services this year, according to a 2018 Cloud Computing Survey. In2018 ComputerWeekly/TechTarget IT Priorities Survey cites that the strongest business applications continue to be ERP and CRM, with 53% of entities prioritizing investment in these areas.

A Company that seek to innovate can significantly benefit from implementing a True Cloud solution. Here are some of the benefits of Cloud ERP system.

Benefits of a Cloud ERP system

Many companies expect transitioning to a state-of-the-art ERP solution will break their bank — even costing the majority of their annual budget. Moving to the cloud is quite affordable and can genuinely escalate business goals.

1. Cost Savings:  

Moving to the cloud can save money for companies accustomed to managing their own data centers. It's better to invest in a cloud solution where a provider paid a monthly or an annual fee that includes the management of the platform. Look for the option to set up payments as recurring, as they can be tax-deductible.

2. Flexibility:

When a company chooses to host in the cloud. It is able to open up opportunities for its staff to tap into important company insights. This helps everyone within the organization to make better decisions based on real-time data. Breaking down silos; The entire workforce can connect through one interface. Easy to decipher dashboards and reports are created to meet the needs of the individual user or work function.

3. Scalability:

Offering a platform that grows with the organization eliminates the worry of investing in too much or too little. Whether it's a start-up or company that is experiencing expansion, a cloud ERP system is capable of evolving accordingly. The number of users is fluid, and this eliminates added cost.

4. Quick and Secure:

Data centers are hosted and maintained by tech giants such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, so businesses won't lose any edge by moving to the cloud. The Company information is easily accessible while offering the highest security possible. Don't worry about location — data is backed up and stored in various global locations, to ensure nothing is compromised.

“True” Cloud

With the industry booming, there is a lot of competition across the market. Many players are patching up outdated systems. Trying to sell them as the latest and greatest technology, with the use of fancy marketing. Decision-makers must select a provider that provides an entirely cloud-based solution.

There are warning signs for solutions that are adapted from legacy applications and re-engineered for cloud deployment. Typically, a few of the benefits of a cloud erp system is noted above will be apparent. If there are signs of a "thick client" — which is a full-featured computer that requires software installed on the device, that's a huge red flag. Longer installation times, dispersed data, upgrades, and difficulty accessing remotely are things to watch.

Only a True Cloud can ensure the speed and responsiveness that meets today's pressing business needs. It's always mobile-first with a modern ERP; displays should be responsive and re-flow automatically, according to the device.

Join the Cloud, Today!

Deciding to implement a cloud ERP is the first step — and an important one that can make a difference in the future of a business. The process is much less daunting with an experienced partner that understands the company's business, as well as its objectives.

With over 25 years of experience at Milestone, we know the benefits of Cloud ERP solutions and what can improve ROI (return on investment). Working with clients to meet individual objectives and needs is our specialty. Contact us to learn more or to schedule a complimentary software consultation.