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Janet Talley4/8/20 11:20 AM3 min read

Why Cloud ERP is the Future: Benefits, Deployment, and Security

Why Cloud ERP is the Future: Benefits, Deployment, and Security

Why is cloud ERP the future? Companies experience immediate benefits when they convert to cloud solutions. Right away, they reduce their upfront hardware and software costs and software costs. Companies are also able to cut their hardware and IT support costs. That doesn't necessarily need to scare people who are in the IT profession. There are still opportunities to work with products in the cloud, it just means that you don't have to maintain as much hardware in your office and IT resources can be redirected to help grow your business Here are some other reasons why cloud ERP is the future.


We can deploy solutions much more quickly. We don't have to wait for servers, and we don't have to wait for things to come in, be built and installed. All you need as an end user is a web browser.

Predictable Budget

Cloud ERP has more predictable monthly costs. With legacy systems such as Sage 100 and 500, customers have annual business care plans that provide software updates. They also have ongoing support costs for when issues arise with the program or features need to be added. Typically software publishers only support 3-4 versions of the software so annual upgrades are recommended, which can also be costly. Often the publisher releases critical updates that are required for the software to run properly. They're fixes that, if we don't do them, then our programs don't work correctly. With a product in the cloud, these things are all taken care of for us without additional costs. We don't have to come in and shut everybody down and say, "Okay, we'll do this after hours, we'll install this for you," it's already happening. It's happening simultaneously, and always tested, it's coming out to everybody, so costs remain predictable. You will always be using the latest and greatest.

Leveraging IT leaders

We can also, by using the cloud, leverage global IT leaders such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Suddenly we're not just buying from them, they're working for us. And we can scale quickly. In the cloud, we can start small, and then we can develop a more significant program.

The Benefits

There are many long-term Benefits of Cloud ERP Software. Universal on-demand availability. It's easier to hire employees outside of your office in different locations, easier to open up new branches because everything's online. It also gives you the flexibility to work from home or on the road.


Best in class security. You can't get more secure than these large companies and large organizations who are maintaining these servers like Amazon, Microsoft, as well as others. Both Microsoft Azure and Amazon's AWS are battling it out for the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) cloud computing contract services to the Pentagon. I would assume the defense department of the United States needs to be secure. Here's how Acumatica Cloud ERP protects your data.

Disaster Recovery

Reduced backup and disaster recovery. We all know that situations arise where our power goes out. Yes, we have the reserves in place and disaster recovery, but suddenly we can eliminate those. We don't have to maintain those in-house anymore.


Finally, easier integration with other web apps. As time goes on, more and more companies are developing web applications, and having a cloud solution allows us to integrate easier. I think most mid-sized companies have integration requirements. For those using legacy software, these integrations can be smooth, but it's very unpredictable. With web applications, we have a lot more predictability and flexibility.

Is Cloud ERP the Future for your Business

If it's time to leave legacy systems behind and move your business to a Cloud ERP system, to learn more Contact us today.